Salvatore Mannella is a graduate of the University of Western Ontario and was called to the Ontario Bar in 1982. He has over 30 years of experience with practicing family law and civil litigation, including negotiation and preparation of complex financial agreements and settlements. Attendances as counsel in courts for conferences, motions, pre-trial conferences, trials, appeals, mediation and contested private arbitrations with respect to all facets of family law and civil litigation. He has significant experience and sophistication with custody, access, support and property issues, complicated financial transactions relating to corporations and business structures and valuation issues, construction liens and personal injury matters.
Salvatore is focused on delivering excellent service to and maintaining excellent relationships with his clients. He is known to be absolutely discreet about his client's situations and has gained a reputation for integrity, knowledge of the details and needs of his clients to successfully meet their expectations in the outcome of all legal proceedings, whether through negotiations or the court process.
Currently a member of the Canadian and Ontario Bar Associations, the York Region Law Association, the Law Society of Upper Canada, the Canadian Italian Advocates Organization and Knights of Columbus. Formerly a member, director and past Vice President of the Canadian Italian Business and Professionals Association, the Ontario Trial Lawyers' Association, the American Trial Lawyers' Association, Chairman of the St. Clare of Assisi Parish and St. Clare of Assisi Building Committee.
In 2015, Salvatore completed his training and obtained his Mediation Certificate from Harvard University. He now accepts requests from practitioners and the public to conduct mediation sessions with a view to assisting parties in reaching out-of-court settlements by way of alternative dispute resolution.